Thursday, July 3, 2014

Reveal codes

Back in the days of MS-DOS, there was a simple function key (F10, I think) that would reveal the codes of what one was writing. There would be moments of sheer frustration when I could not get the formatting right, not until I remembered to hit “reveal codes.” Then I could see right where the rascally format code was hiding that was preventing my copy from doing what I wanted it to.  Jeff and I both liked the metaphor of the “reveal codes” when we were trying to understand something.

As a single mom over the last three years, I have had to be more intentional and overt in “revealing codes” than I had been before. My parents did not often discuss the reasons underlying their actions or decisions. In my family, a decision was pretty much an edict. I decided, especially since I was the only parent left, that I needed to be more open in why I make the decisions I make. That does not mean that they are not firm decisions; it is just that as my sons have grown to be young men, they need to see behind the scenes more so they can understand more about making their own decisions.

Proverbs 2:2-5

Making your ear attentive to wisdom
 and inclining your heart to understanding; 
if you indeed cry out for insight,
and raise your voice for understanding; 
if you seek it like silver, 
and search for it as for hidden treasures—
then you will understand the fear of the Lord
 and find the knowledge of God.

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