I was asked an interesting question this morning. In light
of my experience with persons who are dying, have I ever witnessed anything
that is a confirmation of what lies beyond death? Wow, that gave me pause for
I have never been present when someone has seen a vision.
Lois Loveless told me herself that she had seen Jesus standing across the room.
No one has spoken of seeing a light or hearing voices.
I was with my mother, holding her hand, during her last
hours. Her last words to my brother on the phone, and then to me, were “thank
you.” She had already said, “I love you.” In those hours of sitting with her, I
talked to her while she slept. I heard her breathing slow until I didn’t hear
it anymore.
During Jeff’s last days, he didn’t really want anyone
hovering around him. He wanted a short visit and then to be left alone. It was
hard not to be able to be there with him as much as I wanted. It was his fear
of pain that kept him agitated. Once they were able to ease his anxiety, he was
more peaceful especially when some of his fellow faculty from St. Charles stood
around him praying the rosary for hours.
So I have no confirmation in that sort of sense of what lies
beyond death. I do believe to the depths of my being that eternal life doesn’t
wait until death to begin. Our eternal life begins as we walk with God here on
earth. We have glimpses of the joy and peace that will reign. When we come to
the moment when the breath leaves our bodies for good, it is natural part of
the journey of life. I haven’t become inured to or blasé about death by any
means. I can still cry and be sad, but I can also have a sense of rejoicing and
release, especially when the person who has died has been ill.
We are mortal, and every single moment of our mortal lives
are lived within the care of the One in whose image we have been made, and
whose breath is within us. That care will continue to surround us when our
mortal life is ceased, and the eternal life that began in walking with Christ
will continue in unabated joy and praise. That’s the confirmation I have of
what lies ahead.
Isaiah 40:8
The grass withers, the flower
fades; but the word of our God will stand forever.