Thursday, May 12, 2011

Don't Forget to Breathe

“Don’t forget to breathe,” my dentist Dr. Rachel Valltos said to me as she was injecting novocaine preparatory to replacing two fillings in a tooth. “It’s a natural reaction to hold your breath, but it tenses your muscles and can make it hurt even more.” Then she talked about how some of her patients use breathing techniques in place of receiving novocaine to block the pain.

Some days I do feel like I’m holding my breath, tensing up, waiting… waiting for what? for something to happen, usually something somewhat dire.

When Jesus appeared to the disciples inside that locked upper room, they were in a sense holding their breath. Their leader had been crucified by the authorities, and they might be next. The door was locked to keep others out, but Jesus ignored the locked door. And he breathed on them: his breath—the breath of Spirit—the breath that brooded over the void in the beginning of creation—his breath that breathed new life into those defeated and fearful disciples.

I know some of the things against which I hold my breath in anticipation. How much better a way it is to meet them and face them filled with life-giving oxygen, with life-giving Spirit. In your life there may be things that cause you to hold your breath. Jesus says to you, “Receive the Holy Spirit,” as he breathes on you his life-giving breath.

Don’t forget to breathe—breathe in peace—breathe in Spirit—breathe in power.

John 20:21-22
Jesus said to them again, “Peace be with you. As the Father has sent me, so I send you.” When he had said this, he breathed on them and said to them, “Receive the Holy Spirit.

1 comment:

DMC said...

Thank you for sharing. The peace of Christ be with you. Denise