I felt out of sorts on Tuesday. It started while I was
drinking my coffee and doing a crossword puzzle at the table next to the bowed
window looking out on the backyard. It hit me that in just a very few days, I
wouldn’t be able to look out this window anymore. The out of sorts feeling grew
as I felt I couldn’t put together much of a coherent thought in an afternoon
discussion with Jen and Nina. After going to reserving our storage space, I
went home. I only wanted to curl up and take a nap, but finally I made myself go
to the pool, but only because I knew I should.
I got into the water, and it felt like I was fighting
against the water even though I had a lane to myself. Gradually, I gave myself
over to the water, lengthening my strokes, allowing the very rhythm to calm my
mind and my spirit. It seemed as if God was surrounding me with the waters of baptismal
promise and grace, reminding me, reminding me, reminding me that God’s promise
is sure and for always. It doesn’t depend on how I feel or where I live.
God, please keep reminding me of this in the days to come.
My memory can fail so easily. Thank you that your memory is from before time,
through now, and beyond all time. As my friend Steve says, “Grace is
Isaiah 49:15-16a
Can a woman forget her nursing child, or show no compassion for
the child of her womb? Even these may forget, yet I will not forget you. See, I
have inscribed you on the palms of my hands.