Thursday, October 30, 2014

Grace with a Side of Scrambled Eggs

I'm sure you have heard the phrase, "You are what you eat." It can also be said, "You are what you read, or what you watch." Whatever we spend our time doing is likely to make a big difference in our attitude. Wherever we give our attention will determine a lot of what we see.

When I took classes in photography in my twenties, I began to see scenes as though framed. I looked, and still do to some extent, for something or someone to be in the foreground to give perspective to the real subject of the picture.

Lately, we have been asking a question in staff meeting, and in other group settings around church, "Where have you seen God or God's grace recently." The more I ask, or get asked the question, I am becoming more attuned, or attentive, to see where God's grace is at work. Far too often, I have tended to go through my day with blinders on. I do not think it is intentional in the sense that I do not want to see, but I certainly find myself seeing much less. When I open out my focus, when I put out my antennae, I begin to pay closer attention. Thus I see more of God's grace at work. 

In a simple conversation about a frustrating passport issue, a possible solution was glimpsed and acted upon, and now a young girl can go back home. You might be tempted to say, "Oh, that was just coincidence." Maybe, but I think God can use even coincidence to make grace happen. A house cleaner was there to see a fall, and called the ambulance. A breakfast conversation offers clarity and grace along with the scrambled eggs.

The more I look for grace, the more grace I see. The more I look for God's "fingerprints," the more there are. Where have you see God, or God's grace at work recently?

Mathew 13:16

But blessed are your eyes, for they see, and your ears, for they hear.

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