Thursday, February 26, 2015

My Project

Ooh. Wow, do I feel vulnerable right now! I just started sending out the invitations to participate in the project for my doctor of ministry program. Well, it is a bit akin to saying and intimating that I am going to do something—maybe—someday; and then actually doing it in front of everyone. For a person who is on the shy-side (that’s right, Melissa; you had my number), this is the equivalent of turning a bright beacon spotlight on me. There is no place to get out of the light.

So now, let me share that invitation with you as well.

Discernment Process over Divisive Issues, e.g. Homosexuality in the UMC

What: a three-session discernment process on homosexuality that seeks to strengthen participants' abilities to listen “in love,” meaning, in an open way. Between sessions, there will be homework assignments of reading and engagement with others. There is no agenda to change anyone’s perspective.

When: Saturdays 11 a.m. to 1:30 p.m., April 11; May 9; and May 30.

Where: Christ Crossman UMC, 384 N Washington St. Falls Church, VA

Who: UM Clergy and laity from a wide variety of positions, who will commit to attending all three sessions.

Sign up online, by: April 8: sign up here

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