Thursday, January 5, 2017

The Lord Is My Light...

“The Lord is my light, my light and salvation, in God I trust, in God I trust.” Thus begins one of the psalmists in a poem/hymn about facing moments when we feel assailed or set upon. Some of those moments come upon us suddenly while others creep unnoticed into our presence until we are engulfed.

Many years ago, I noticed that I had a tendency to have a good bit of difficulty with my life during the month of February. During one of my upper-class years of college, I made a declaration that February would not defeat me that year. I cannot remember any specifics about what I did differently. I think simply taking note of the darkening of my spirit helped me face it and keep from being overwhelmed.

It was not for many years that I ever heard about S.A.D., or seasonal affective disorder. Also known as the winter blues or blahs, and other names, it is believed to be partially caused by the lack of daylight hours and the tendency to be less active during the winter months. Some treatments involve sitting with source of bright light, and intentional increase in physical activity.

This week we will begin a series of services looking at our version of S.A.D., or Spiritual Affective Disorder, exploring some of the ways that we can engage with the light of Christ in common everyday activities that can become spiritual practices for us.