Thursday, September 3, 2015

The Prayers of a Child

I do not believe that children are the church of tomorrow. They are very much part of the church today. While there is much they have to learn from the adults in their lives, there is also a great deal they can teach the adults.

This week, I heard of one young boy who had a big disappointment. It was not as simple as not getting a game or some thing that he wanted. It was bigger than that. He dealt with it bravely during the day. That night as he and his mother prayed at bedtime, he thanked God for the day, “even though it hadn’t felt like a good day to him.” He even said in his prayers that it is not all about him.

How many adults could not begin to say that prayer and mean it as sincerely as he did! He did not lie or cover up his feelings, but he did thank God in the midst of his emotional pain. That shows an amazing trust. I thank God for him, for his mom and dad, and I pray that out of of this disappointment, he will find it transformed in a grace-filled way.

Romans 12:12

Rejoice in hope, be patient in suffering, persevere in prayer.

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