Thursday, October 22, 2015

Change the Angle Just A Little Bit

Learning never stops, or at least it shouldn’t. During this week’s Covenant Bible study, I think we were all surprised to consider Moses from a different perspective. The presenter, a Jewish scholar, said Moses was raised as an Egyptian, and did not speak Hebrew, or only a very few words or phrases. This puts Moses’ protestation that he is not an eloquent speaker in a different light. Pharaoh would have understood Moses, but the Hebrews would not have. Moses needed Aaron to speak to them.

How often do we tend to keep looking at something—an issue, a practice, a belief, or even an object—from the perspective we have always used? We will see what we expect to see. If, however, we change our angle, maybe even just a tiny bit, a new shape, thought, or insight might be revealed. A retired colleague posted a photo on Facebook of a deck post at a beach house he has rented several times. For the first time this year, he caught a glimpse from a different angle. There in the wood was a heart shaped by a knot opened up by a saw making a corner.

Where in our life is God asking us to change the angle from which we view our work or our practices? What hidden treasure or insight might we discover just by tilting our head, as it were? So often we end up keeping our lives in compartments and we do not think to bring persons from those different niches together? What if I turn my eye just a slightly different way and see an acquaintance or a friend whom I could invite to share a meal or an event with other friends? All of our lives would be richer, and just maybe they might be the Aaron to your Moses.

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