Thursday, January 28, 2016

What If the Sky Is the Limit?

A couple of weeks ago, people were dreaming about what they might do if they won that huge lottery prize. Did you find yourself imagining what you might do? It’s can be fun to think about having almost no limits. The reality though is we usually have some limitations in our lives. If we wait until they are all cleared up, then we will be waiting for a long, long time. What if, instead, we began to think about what we really want to accomplish in our lives, even with the constraints we have?

In worship, we have been thinking about limitations or constraints. Lots of times we look at them as things that bind us or keep us from doing what we want to do, or accomplish what we aim for. And sure, we can find ourselves bound, but we can also find ourselves freed to think In new ways.

What is the single most important thing/person/purpose in your life?
What is your greatest hope?
What keeps you from moving towards that hope?

How could you re-imagine the journey towards that hope using what is actually in your life now?

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