Thursday, June 30, 2016

Echo from the Heart of God

This past Sunday, I spoke about the Bible as “a window into the heart of God.”* By looking at what the whole of scripture reveals to us about God, rather than going at it in a fragmented way, we see that the impetus behind creation is the same as in the coming of Jesus born among us as well as in the new creation towards which or by which we are being pulled. That impetus is the deep concern for the other. We call that love but need to be careful in the use of that too often bandied about word. This is not a watered down romantic concern. Instead, it is what we see revealed in Jesus who did not grasp, did not cling, did not exploit equality with God, but emptied himself, poured himself out taking the form of a slave, a servant, humbling himself for the sake of others. It is here that we see the heart of God. It is in this ongoing action that we hear God’s heartbeat.

The heartbeat is the most basic detectable sign of life. I believe it is the basis of music. When we share music together, especially when we sing together, we are connecting the rhythm of our hearts with one another. In music as we share a connected heartbeat is where community is formed.

In communal music we pour ourselves out to each other and we receive each other. This is a sign and a foretaste of the community of living in relationship with our triune God. The melodies may be simple or complex; the rhythms may be straightforward or syncopated; the harmonies may be unvarnished or contrapuntal. All of this is a glimpse into or an echo from the heart of God.

Psalm 33:3
Sing to God a new song! Play your best with joyful shouts! [CEB]

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