Friday, April 28, 2017

Boys to Men

An interesting thought cycle one morning on my walks this week, prompted by my walking prayers and a meme on Facebook. A cousin posted a meme about raising little boys. It touched me, of course, since I have boys. It was about raising them not just to be men, but husbands and fathers.

During my walking prayers, I use the Jesus’ Prayer to hold each named person up in the flow of God’s mercy and grace. I start with my immediate family, then my aunts and uncles with their offspring, before moving on to Jeff’s family, chosen-family, friends, colleagues, then to the Bishop and district superintendents, and my churches—present and future.

As I reached this cousin’s family, I particularly gave thanks for her son and her hand in raising him. He is indeed an amazing young man, who is a wondrous husband to his husband. He has no biological children but as a librarian he has touched the lives of so many children. He and his husband are active in the community. One of the events they work with is the annual Easter Egg Hunt.

The boys (and girls) we raise can make such a difference in the world, and particularly in the lives of those who know them and who come after them.

Kyle and Jason, love you both. Thank you, Randi, for being a part of this gift to the world.

Matthew 19:14
“Allow the children to come to me,” Jesus said. “Don’t forbid them, because the kingdom of heaven belongs to people like these children.”

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