Thursday, June 2, 2011

Pity Party

I was feeling a tad sorry for myself this evening. Jeff needed some inpatient pain therapy so I took him over around 2:30 p.m. and in the process forgot an appointment that I had with my coach. The repairman for the gas dryer was supposed to come between 1 & 5, so Becky came to work on her computer at our house to let him in. I noticed that the AC wasn’t cooling well. The air handler was blowing but the condenser fan wasn’t working so I put in a call for a repairman. I got home from taking Jeff around 4:30. The dryer repairman still hadn’t come, nor had the HVAC people. I was hot, tired and feeling cranky.
Shortly after 5, the dryer guy called to find our address. The scheduler had entered our address wrong and his GPS had him in Alexandria off of Seminary Road. Then he had to negotiate traffic heading west. Charles normally gets off at 3:30, but continued working until after 6 to take care of the customers, including me.
At 8:16 the HVAC guy called and said he was on his way. He arrived at 8:30, finishing up a little after 9. Two hours earlier his dad called to say he was taking him mom to the hospital, but he didn’t know why. Cole continued with what he needed to do which meant being at my house instead of the hospital with his mom.
Sometimes, often-times, when I have a pity party, I forget about what others are going through. Tonight, thank you God, that some reminders were afforded me with the awareness that I am not the only one facing difficulties. In my rush to say “Woe is me!” may I not forget that someone else needs a hand at least as much as I do.
Romans 12:15
Rejoice with those who rejoice, weep with those who weep.

1 comment:

RevCHD said...

A good reminder for all of us. Thank you for your honesty! I know I have had my share of these kind of days. What blessings you ultimately received. God is good ...