Thursday, June 16, 2011

What Shapes My Life

Years ago when I was in college, I heard someone giving a talk on relationships say something like, “If you feel you cannot live without this person, then that is not a healthy relationship.” I have discovered over the years, that this is really true.
This was brought to mind this morning as I went to get my second cuppa at a little past 6. Jeff is not yet awake. He has always been an early riser. And as happens so often these days, I wonder briefly about the changes happening now, and what will happen; about how much of my life—our lives—have been shaped by Jeff’s patterns. For better or worse, our lives are changing; the patterns are constantly shifting these days. Jeff, over the years, as a judging type on the Myers-Briggs Type Indicator with a great need for routine, has given the rest of us a gift. The other three of us have a greater tendency towards spontaneity, which can often mean that structure is lacking. He has helped insure that we go to bed early enough in order to meet the day well rested and prepared.
As my mind flits briefly to that place in the future, I feel grief and a bit of fear of what will be, and what will not be. For nearly 33 years, my life has been shaped by this man, as his has been shaped by me. What will the shape of my life be like in the days, years to come?
What about another shaping influence in my life—an even more important one? Have I allowed the Triune God to shape my life as much?  When this earthly partner’s shape is no longer at my side, will I find that I am still shaped by this much more lasting companion or have I allowed the other to hold greater sway in my life?
And so my mind goes to the truth of that talk so long ago. I know that while I will deeply miss my partner in life, I have another that will comfort me, counsel me, guide me and shape me.

Romans 12:2
Do not be conformed to this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your minds, so that you may discern what is the will of God—what is good and acceptable and perfect.

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