Thursday, August 7, 2014

A Time for Silence

I know that even as a very small child, I loved to talk with people, at least when I felt safe, like at home. I remember talking to adults who were guests of my parents. While that may be endearing for a little bit, it really can get annoying to the adults who want to carry on their own conversation.

I have been sensing the need for more silence in my life, the kind of silence that makes room for listening. I do work hard at that, but I still find that all too often I just have to make an interjection, often elucidating what someone is talking about. On the positive side, it is being engaged with the other; on the not-so-positive side, oh, all right, on the negative side, it can interrupt the other’s thought process, or even stymie their attempt or ability to work through an issue on their own.

I can’t promise that I will never speak up or that I will take a vow of silence, but I think I need to practice listening a bit more, to others, to God.

Ecclesiastes 3:1, 7b

For everything there is a season, and a time for every matter under heaven: a time to keep silence, and a time to speak.

1 comment:

lls said...

Ah yes! I'll think I have a balance of quiet listening and social exchange and then something changes up! I suspect the Lord does a lot of teaching with his changes.