Thursday, July 5, 2007

An Exciting 4th!

Last night, our younger son and I went to see the fireworks at our local high school. We had already set off our own fireworks display in the backyard with the neighbors as an appreciative audience. Fortunately, the wind cooperated and no one outside had the smoke blow over them. The community fireworks were a lot of fun. In a way, I missed the music we had had with the fireworks at Wolftrap the night before Memorial Day, but in another way, I was reminded of simpler celebrations where the audio component was the "oohs" and "ahs" of the crowd. The finale came at about 35 minutes into the display. We all clapped appreciatively. Later, I found out that our older son was also at the display, in the same parking lot! I thought he was off setting of the fireworks he and friends are purchased out of state.
The pictures are from my camera phone.

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