Thursday, August 8, 2013

Guest Post: How does God call me out of my comfort zone in order to bear fruit?

While I am visiting family, I have asked our "guest" preachers to reflect on a particular question:
How does God call me out of my comfort zone in order to bear fruit? 
The reflection will be a guest post here.
Early last week, I received a text message out of the blue from a former colleague. “It looks like there is extra breast tissue on my left breast. I have to get a second mammogram. Please keep me in your prayers,” my friend writes. After the initial shock, I responded, “Of course, you’re in my prayers.” Then out of nowhere I offered to accompany her to her appointment. My friend gratefully accepted. OK. God, what did you get me into?
Now at the time, I was thinking, I’m coming along, being there for friend. But when I met her two days later, I discovered that I’ll be driving her to her appointment. Now, I am not a born-to-drive driver. I don’t experience the thrill or freedom of the open road like others. I prefer to get around by walking or taking public transportation. But here I am, picking her up in Falls Church and taking her to Reston and back. I’m in unfamiliar territory: I’m out of my comfort zone.
God has an uncanny way of calling me out of my comfort zone nearly every day, whether it’s driving to unfamiliar places or reassessing my career track after working at the same firm for over eight years. By calling me out of my comfort zone, God reminds me not to take things and people for granted, to not be complacent and that no matter what, He will always be there. Through the experience, God’s grace is always revealed. Appropriately enough, the Upper Room devotional on the day of my friend’s mammogram was from Psalm 31:5: [The psalmist wrote:] “Into your hands I commit my spirit; deliver me, Lord, my faithful God.”
My friend’s test results came out definitively negative. She has no abnormal tissue growth. She and I celebrated the good news over lunch. Thank you, God, for my friend’s life and continued friendship. God is great!
Nina de las Alas
Guest Contributor

“Into your hand I commit my spirit; you have redeemed me, O Lord, faithful God.” – Psalm 31:5.

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