Thursday, May 8, 2014

Look Up

A friend and her husband interviewed a physical trainer for his mother who has been recovering. His mother had begun doing less and less, and so was able to do less and less. She shuffled as she walked. The trainer had her do a simple thing—look up and ahead as she walked rather than down at her feet, and also swing her arms. The difference was amazing. Immediately, her stride lengthened and she was able to walk far more easily.

As my friend told me this, it reminded me of how much easier it is for me to stayed balanced when I am looking at something rather than down at my feet. It struck me how similar the latter is to when I become fearful and keep my focus down; my scope of vision is much smaller. I find my world narrowed, and my hope is lessened.

When I look up and ahead to where God is leading me, I can move much more easily than when I concentrate on my fear of stumbling. I am not limited to taking tiny, mincing steps. This is good for me to remember with so much transition happening in my life.

O God, in your grace may I open my eyes, my heart, my stance so that I will walk and dance with you in these days and the days to come.

Psalm 119:105

Your word is a lamp to my feet and a light to my path.

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